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Friday 5 March 2021

The Son comes to sit on the throne in His Church

The Son comes to sit on the throne in His Church and in every humble, submissive, repentant heart.
Christ comes with glory to bring order and reform.
If you have lost your salvation, come to Me again - says God.
If you do not have the foundation Christ, come, take it, I the Father, give it to you.
If you have a religious basis, leave it and get the right one.
It is a time of focusing on Christ, of the foundations, and checking the foundations.
Focus on what Christ Has done for humanity.
The Cross and the Crucifixion, again as a fundamental teaching,  will be raised with new strength and revelation before your eyes.
The shed blood of Golgotha will come alive again before your eyes.
Christ's blood without which there is no salvation.
The Resurrection and the Ascension will be revealed and preached in my glory, says God, like never before. The Gospel will take the lead again!
Lost time in meaningless doctrines and spiritual sermons will be restored.
My sons and daughters will speak the true Gospel and the Salvation. They will demonstrate the power of My Kingdom, accompanied by miracles and signs. 
My bride will turn to Me again, to My love and My Word!

Jana Light